Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn invented Internet. You all must know about the history of Internet. The history of Internet began with the development of electronic computers in the 1950's. Later in 1969, the Derpartment of Defence of the United States of America set up a network of computers called
ARPANET (Advance Reasearch Projects Agency Network). The network connected to one computer in California with three in Utah. This was the first step towards the creation of Internet.
A Mnemonic is an alphabetical abbrevation used as a memory aid.
List of some Mnemonics:
- Addition = ADD
- Subtraction = SUB
- Multiplication = MULT
- Division = DIV
- Load = LDA
- E-learning:
E-learning refers to the use of network and communication technology in teaching and learning. The letter 'e' in e-learning stands for the word "electronic." You can use the information from the Internet in your work.
It increases your knowledge and skills. E-learning has now been used by various companies,organisations and schools to educate an upgrade the abilities of their employees and students.
- E-commerce:
E-commerce is the buying and selling of products or services over the Internet. It is a kind of business on the Internet.
- Newsgroups:
A newsgroup is like a notice board on a particular subject. Anyone can write or read a message. People may share their views with each other.
- Chatrooms:
Using Internet, you can chat with your friends and relatives in any part of the world.
- E-mails:
You can send messages and other documents by using email over the Internet. It takes very less amount of time to reach the other the person.
- Interactive digital television:
Interactive digital television allows users to interact with the broadcasater. You can download the series, programs, and also play games etc.
- Advertising:
Advertising is the means of communication used to inform the people about a particular item or matter. You may find various links on the websites such as for buying any product or service. It helps you in saving your time, and effort in procuring such items and facilities.
- Online games and music:
You can play various games over the Internet. You can also listen to songs, radio programs and even see films. Internet helps you to watch live T.V shows or events and also cricket matches.
- E-magazines, E-papers, E- books:
You can read newspapers, magazines and books online without having to buy them in their paper format.
- Online Banking:
People may use the ATM cards for withdrawing the cash amount from their accounts. It can also transfer money online from one bank to another bank.
- Language Processor:
A language processor is also known as language translator. As you know, computer programs are written in high level languages but the computer understands only machine language. Thus, a translator software is used to convert the high level language codes to machine language codes. When a program is fed into the computer, language translator automatically converts the program into machine language and checks its syntax for errors. There are three types of language translators. They are - assembler, interpreter, compiler
- Assembler:
An assembler is a software that converts the assembly language instructions into the right machine codes.
interpreter | compiler
- Interpreter:
An interpreter is a software that converts the high level language into machine language. It translates the high level language program line by line. A line is translated, executed and then it moves to the next line. If an error is found on any line, it is reported to the user and the execution of the program is stopped. The first interpreted high level language was Lisp.
assembler | compiler
- Compiler:
A compiler also converts the high level language program into the machine language. It converts the complete high level language program into machine code in one go. If any error is found, the whole program has to be recompiled again.
assembler | interpreter